RUSU Florin-Dumitru-Cătălin
Position: Primary intensivist physician, Head of Anaesthesia - Intensive Care Unit at the "Grigore Alexandrescu" Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children Bucharest. University studies: Graduate of the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest, Faculty of Pediatrics, September 1980. Postgraduate specializations and exams: 1988 residency competition; 1991 specialist physician examination; 1996 primary physician examination; 1998 competition for the head of department position; 2007 Master in Management of Health Services - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work; 2008 Certificate course in Health Services Management – National School of Public Health and Health Management, Bucharest; 2008 Defending of the doctoral thesis entitled “Mechanical ventilation in newborns and infants” – “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest. Positions: 1995-present Head of ICU section; 1996-present ICU primary physician. Author of numerous works with practical and theoretical application in the following fields: intensive care, intensive care for newborns and in the field of pediatric anaesthesia.