My choice for medicine was made years ago, when I was only 15 years old and when I started to study in a nursing school. After, I continued my studies at “Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy in my country. My dream to be a doctor came true when I got into the biggest emergency hospital in Chișinău, as a trainee in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. I should recognize that I was one of the luckiest pupils born under a lucky star thanks to a lot of opportunities, offered by life: a lot of fellowships, seminars, courses, relationships, and friends anywhere: in Romania, Israel, Austria, Great Britain, Belgium. I have had the chance to be one of the candidates for the Teach of Teachers course offered by ESA. Since 2013 I have been involved in Simulation Training and for this reason, I did a lot of training in Romania and Great Britain. Today, I am an Associate Professor at my University for the Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Department, Coordinator of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Department in our nice and high-performance Simulation Center (cusim.md), Local Director of ATLS, and instructor in BLS and ALS. My clinical practice is closely related to the only JCI-accredited hospital in our country, MEDPARK International Hospital, where I am involved in the management of patients in cardio-vascular surgery, obstetric patients, orthopedic etc. Last year I was recruited as an instructor and now I am a member of the VFPM and giganode.org team, which is an empowerment and education network.