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2015-present Primary physician Anesthesia - Intensive Care, Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children "Maria Sklodovska Curie", Bucharest;

1999-2015 Primary physician, Ord. MS 637/1999 Anesthesia - Intensive Care, Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children "Grigore Alexandrescu", Bucharest;

1994-1999 Specialist Ord. MS 2214/1994 Anesthesia - Intensive Care, Petrom Videle Hospital, Teleorman;

1991-1994 Secondary physician Ord. MS 1728/1991 Anesthesia - Intensive Care, Clinical Hospital "Dr. I. Cantacuzino”, Bucharest;

1988-1990 Trainee doctor, Emergency County Clinical Hospital Brașov, Brașov;

1990-1991 Physician of General Medicine, DMC Comana, Brașov;

1988 Bachelor Degree Physician / Doctor, Faculty of Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest;

1982-1988 Student, Faculty of General Medicine, Institute of Medicine Timișoara and “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest.

All Sessions by GĂVRUȘ Dan