EZRI Tiberiu
1951 Born in Marghita, Bihor, Romania. 1976 Graduated from Timișoara Medical School, Romania. 1978 Emigrated to Israel. 1983 Finished residency in Anaesthesia at Kaplan MC, Israel. 1991 Head of PACU & Deputy Head of Department of Anaesthesia at Kaplan MC. 1993-1999 Two years of assistant professorships at the University of Texas, Houston, USA. 2000-2018 Head of Department of Anaesthesia Wolfson MC, Israel. 2000 Senior Lecturer of Anaesthesia, Hadassah Medical School, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 2008 Clinical Associate Professor of Anaesthesia – Tel Aviv University. 2008 Chair, International Congress of ISA. Director of foreign WFSA fellowship in anaesthesia at Wolfson MC and in 2016, recipient of the Presidential Award of WFSA – Hong Kong. 2011-2014 Chair of Israeli Board of Examination in Anaesthesia. 2016 Distinguished teacher at Tel Aviv University. 2018 Retired and since then, Anaesthesia Consultant at Kaplan MC and for the Israeli Ministry of Health. Co-author of over 200 publications that appear in PubMed.