Education and training: 2017-present Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova – Assistant Professor; 2009-2016 Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova – Teaching Assistant; 2013-present Anesthesia - Intensive Care Clinic, Emergency County Clinical Hospital Craiova – ATI primary physician; 2009-2013 Anesthesia - Intensive Care Clinic, Emergency County Clinical Hospital Craiova - ATI Specialist; 2008-2013 University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova - Doctor of Medicine; 2004-2005 Anesthesia - Intensive Care Clinic, Emergency County Clinical Hospital Timișoara - ICU resident physician; 1996-2002 University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Faculty of Medicine, General Medicine specialization. Postgraduate teaching activity: 2009-2023 Internships for resident doctors of Anesthesia – Intensive Care; 2009-2023 Tutoring of students bachelor papers, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Midwives and Medical Assistance; 2014-2022 Lecturer - European Education in Anesthesia (EAEC): Neurology, regional anesthesia and pain management - blood-saving techniques, Târgu Mureș; 2014 -2022 Lecturer – Congress of the Romanian Society of Anesthesia – Intensive Care (SRATI). Scientific activity: Grants and research-development projects/clinical trials – 8 grants and clinical trials; Monographs, co-author treatises, university courses – 20 books; Articles / studies in extenso, published in ISI Thomson Reuters and BDI journals – 11 articles; Articles in summary, published in journals and volumes (proceedings) of scientific events – 58 articles.