BELÎI Adrian

BELÎI Adrian

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Since July 2021 Deputy of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova;
2016-2021 Head of Department, Department of Anaesthesia - Intensive Care, Institute of Emergency Medicine, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova;
Since April 2015 University Professor (full time), Chair of Anaesthesiology - Intensive Care, “Nicolae Testemiţanu” State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Republic of Moldova;
2014-2021 Editor-in-Chief, Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences (ISSN 2345-1467);
2013-2021 Specialist-Coordinator of scientific activity, Direction of Science, “Nicolae Testemiţanu” State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Republic of Moldova;
2008-2015 Associate Professor (full time), Chair of Anaesthesiology - Intensive Care, “Nicolae Testemiţanu” State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Republic of Moldova;
2007-2019 Director of Moldovian Regional Center of Committee for European Education in Anaesthesiology, European Society of Anaesthesia (CEEA-ESA).

All Sessions by BELÎI Adrian