ZDREHUȘ Claudiu-Dragoș
Department of Anaesthesia - Intensive Care, "Prof. O. Fodor" Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. ACATI. Academic Unit of Anaesthesia - Intensive Care, "Iuliu Hațieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Anaesthetic qualification: 1988-1992 Specialist Registrar in Anaesthesia - Intensive Care; Feb. 1992-1997 Specialist in Anaesthesia - Intensive Care; Feb. 1997 Consultant in Anaesthesia - Intensive Care. Present employment: Senior Lecturer, Academic Unit of Anaesthesia - Intensive Care, "Iuliu Hațieganu" University of Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Consultant in Anaesthesia - Intensive Care, "Prof. O. Fodor" Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Qualification/diploma obtained: 1977 Baccalaureate Diploma, Graduate Real-Humanistic School No. 1 Oradea; 1983 Doctor/Doctor's degree, Graduate of "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca; 2005 Doctor of Medical Sciences, Ph.D. Diploma "Iuliu Hațieganu" University of Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 2000 Competence in Pre-hospital Emergencies, Ministry of Health; 2001 Pedagogical training certificate, "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca; 2013 Competence in Bronchial Endoscopy, Ministry of Health. Specialization internships: August-September 1990 Pre-hospital Emergencies, Oslo, Alesund – Norway; April-May 1991 Computers in AIC, TIVA-TCI, Salisbury, Glasgow, London, UK; November-December 1992 Anesthesia - Intensive Care in Neurosurgery, Pienderfields Hospital, Wakefield, UK; June 1993-May 1995, October 1998-December 1999, July-September 2000 2000 Anesthesia - Intensive Care, The General Infirmary at Leeds, Leeds, UK; 2002 Artificial Ventilation Techniques, Hepatic Transplant, Hamburg, Ependorf Universitat Klinicum, Germany; July 2014, January-May 2015 Anesthesia - Intensive Care at Casa Di Cura, San Dona di Piave, Italy. Communication skills gained from the experience of teaching staff involved in university and postgraduate education (students, resident doctors, specialists and consultants, master students). Secretary of the Association for Research in Anesthesia - Intensive Care, Cluj-Napoca. Member of the editorial board of the Romanian Journal of Anesthesia - Intensive Care. Scientific papers published as first author 34, co-author 23, ISI 17, BDI 13, CNCSIS 12. Scientific communications in the country and abroad 25. Conferences supported in the country and abroad at national and international congresses: 77, conferences abroad: 11. Published books: 3. Book chapters published as sole author: 45. Teaching activity, national and international postgraduate courses: 58, coordinator: 21. Member of the Romanian Society of Anesthesia - Intensive Care. Member of ESA. Member of ESRA.