Dr. James Philip is an anesthesiologist practicing Ambulatory Anesthesia at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Philip's research and teaching career has focused on engineering the medical environment, especially anesthesia, to make it safer, more effective, and less costly. Dr. Philip holds Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University and the MD degree from SUNY Syracuse. He is also a Certified Clinical Engineer. He is a member of the Harvard Anesthesia Risk Management Committee and was co-author of the Harvard Anesthesia Monitoring Standard of 1984. Dr. Philip created many medical products including the first successful CO2 Monitor - Perkin-Elmer's Lifewatch™, the first Bolus plus Infusion IV Pump - Baxter InfusOR®, the first continuous cardiac output monitor, the Edwards Vigilance® Continuous Cardiac Output Monitor, and the IVAC-Medfusion-Becton Dickenson Signature® IV Pump that monitors hydraulic resistance during infusion to detect fluid extravasation. Dr. Philip also developed the Gas Man® Anesthesia Simulation distributed by a nonprofit charitable organization, Med Man Simulations, Inc. This computer simulation is used to educate anesthesiologists worldwide. Dr. Philip discontinued his clinical anesthesia practice and performs research in his Bioengineering Laboratory at Brigham and Women's Hospital, at Harvard Medical School, and independently as a consultant. Dr. James Philip’s awards include the STA Severinghaus Technology Development Award, ASA-SEA Distinguished Educator, The Orthopedic Society’s Stinchfield Award, and the SUNY Syracuse Distinguished Alumnus award.