MITRE Călin-Iosif
Born on 01.08.1956, Iași. Primary intensivist physician at Regional Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology "Prof. Dr. O. Fodor" Cluj-Napoca, Head of the ICU section between 2005-2019; Associate Professor of Anaesthesia - Intensive Care-1 at "Iuliu Haţieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca and Head of Anaesthesia - Intensive Care-1 department between 2004-2015; Doctor of Medical Sciences (Ph.D.) Diplomat of the European Academy of Anaesthesia (DEAA); Member of the Senate of the Romanian Society of Anaesthesia - Intensive Care; Member of the Council of the European Airway Management Society (EAMS); Member of the National Council of the Romanian College of Physicians; Founding member of the Anaesthesia Research Association - Intensive Care Cluj-Napoca (AATI). Publications: Specialized books: 2; Books for university purposes: 4; Book chapters: 88; Papers published in extenso: 77; In ISI journals: 22; In journals included in BDI journals: 25; In national journals: 30; Published in volumes with ISSN or ISBN: 16; Conferences held: 101. Scientific interest in pediatric anaesthesia, upper airway management and neuromotor block.