Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Lukas Martin is the founder and managing director of Clinomic in Aachen. After studying medicine in Aachen, Vienna and Zurich, Dr. Martin completed his specialist training at the Clinic for Operative Intensive Medicine and Intermediate Care at RWTH Aachen University Hospital. This was followed by a research stay at Queen Mary University London, his habilitation and venia legendi in anesthesiology and intensive care medicine and his appointment as senior consultant. Dr Martin's scientific work with a focus on translational and digital medicine has been awarded several prestigious national and international prizes. Among other things, he has been awarded the Karl Thomas Prize and the Fresenius Scholarship of the German Society for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine. He also completed a Master of Health Business Administration (MBHA) degree in Nuremberg and is still a Senior Lecturer in Business in Translational Medicine at Queen Mary University London and an Assistant Professor at RWTH Aachen University.