Dr Medita Hashimi Mr Sci Anaesthesiologist/Intensivist at UCCK Prishtina Kosovo Graduated at University Clinical Center of Kosovo, obtained title of Anaesthesiologist/Intensivist since 2004. Postgraduate studies at University Clinical Center of Kosova, obtained title Master of Medical Sciences 2007. Currently working as an anaesthesiologist at the Thoracic Surgery Department at the University Clinical Center since 2014. Worked at the Orthopedic Department as an anaesthesiologist 2004–2014. Board member of the Kosovar Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care since 2016. Member of ESAIC since 2008 and Council member at ESAIC since 2020. Worked as a assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Hasan Prishtina, Prishtina, Kosovo 1999-2018. Professor at Kolegji AAB since 2018. Attended at International and local Congresses of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Management treatment. Authored and co-authored several publications, cited 313.