Birth date 08.07.1965 Education 2009-2010 Specialisation in Pain Therapy, Riga’s Stradins University 2005-2008 PhD studies, Riga’s Stradins University 01.07.2009 Defended Doctoral thesis: Epidural analgesia after knee replacement surgery: A comparison of efficacy, safety and stress response modulation at different treatment regimens. 1988-1989 Internship in anaesthesiology-intensive care 1982-1988 Riga’s medical institute, Medical Faculty 1972-1982 42nd secondary school, Vilnius, Lithuania Current employment 2013-2024 Head of Anaesthesiology and the Intensive Care Department, Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Riga, Latvia Since 2024 Asoc. Professor, University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine